Remember this
post here?
G has gone in and out of phases referring to
Jengaba Jenaba. Well, the other day we were watching one of his favorite videos dutifully name "truck show" by Mr. G, he said Jenaba again. It finally dawned on me. He means "Jennifer"! One of the girls on the show is name Jennifer and he interpreted her name to be Jenaba. I had thought of Jennifer before but we don't know anyone named Jennifer. It took me a few months to figure that out, but finally did!
G's fav show right now "tractor show". |
As for this great "truck show", I'm guessing we discovered it while searching "truck" on Netflix. It's called "All About Trucks". It is LAME!!! It must have been produced in the 90s and on a ZERO budget by a trucking family or something. Anyway, G absolutely loves it! He is obsessed with all things truck (and tractor now). He has now become equally obsessed with other equally lame videos in the "All About" collection-- Fire trucks and Old MacDonalds Farm. Why don't you try listening to the most monotone farmer talk about a cow's tets (really teats but the way this guy says it it sounds like a New Yorker's "eh"). Did that make sense? Probably not! Well, it seems every day at dinner when he requests a show (its how we distract him enough to get him to consume some amount of dinner) it is "Tractor Show" as G calls it. Well Farmer Joe seems to come on right about that same time I am enjoying my gourmet (right!) dinner and talks about how important it is to milk this cow twice a day everyday and you grab her tets... you get the idea. Fortunately I've become immune enough to find it more hilarious than anything else, needless to say we don't have company come for dinner much.
G's favorite tractor these days = a combine harvester. duh! |
Don't you just love toddler talk and how they interpret language! What's you kiddo been saying these days?
Do you use Netflix Instant Watch? We have a Roku box and love Netflix for G and watching TV Series. I just finally got rid of the DVD portion of our Netflix. We were just so horrible about watching the DVD first off, let alone sending it back. We also love Hulu Plus for getting or TV show fixes. We don't have cable or even DTV reception. We got it in CA but I couldn't get any stations to come in for more than a second and haven't tried since moving here. Kind of a bummer because we're missing out on the Olympics. I tried to watch online but NBC is requiring that you have a contract with a cable provider basically. Lame I say, LAME!
Lincoln LOVES those annoying All About movies. His new favorite is Mighty Machines. Neflix is the best!