In Eugene, Oregon when the sun comes out, we go out! I mean technically we go outside even without the sun otherwise we'd be indoors for 9 months out of the year it seems. Everyone warned us of the long gloomy and wet season, but they promised absolutely gorgeous summers. Boy were they right! So far it hasn't gotten about the low 80s and it cools down at night. If its a cloudy/foggy morning you can start off with a light sweater and bundle up and it feels refreshing. Then jump into shorts for the afternoon. Since photos are way more exciting, here's our summer so far in Instagram photos...
One of our toughest days at church. We had to pull all the stops out before church even began.
We tried to help him adjust to the organ music that gets him screaming by showing up early but all that did
was require him to endure an extra 10 minutes of it during the prelude. NEVER AGAIN WILL WE ARRIVE MORE THAN A MINUTE OR TWO EARLY! In fact, we've considered having a plaque mounted on a bench and reserving it as our spot so we can just come in after the opening hymn and avoid the worst point of the meeting all together! |
the Mister turned 32!
G loves birthdays - candles, singing "Happy Birthday!", cake + ice cream, and presents! |
G with his sweet little friend I. We found them in his room with the door closed the other day.
I was worried for a second :) |
Birthday fun! We went to dinner at BJ's and then had ice cream cake as requested by the birthday boy! |
My parents came to visit. We hiked Spencer's Butte with them. G is slowly learning to tolerate the backpack.
We had to give him my iphone on the way down. It works for us so we can still enjoy doing things we prefer. |
I miss my family, but I absolutely love that we are only 6 hours away! |
These boys are going to be best buds 4-ever! |
Hiking down Spencer's Butte I spotted what I thought was a great
photographic perspective. I'm no pro though and all I had was my iPhone. |
Grandpa + Grandma O'Dell!! |
Ocean Air! We absolutely love only living an hour from the coast. Just a day after my parents left town, my sister Michelle came to town with Ethan. |
During their stay there was a sunny day and so we headed to the beach.
Gavin absolutely loved having Ethan here and I think E had a good time too. He was so patient and fun with G. |
This kid loves the water, cold or hot! |
Aunt Chelle! |
I totally understand your church plight and feel your pain. I remember one Sunday when the organ was playing, probalby by your Mom, and we are walking in and Trent yells, "Stop the music!!!" and ran back out the door. And Trent loves all things Iphone. I don't have one yet, but he can spot one a mile away. If I can't find him I look for the closest Iphone!! Keep up the great work with him you are a good Mommy!!