Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Losing it's Way

My Valentine's Day was...well to say the least...eventful. I woke up to this sweet homemade valentine by Ryan. I had to laugh at his interpretation of me but it was sweet. Notice anything in my belly region?!? Well, I planned this post for a few weeks from now to announce that I am pregnant. Unfortunately, the Lord has other plans for us for now. I've been sick the past week with severe cramps on and off. I finally got in to see the doctor and he confirmed my fears--I had an ectopic pregnancy. The doctor sent me straight to the hospital and Ryan and I spent the night in the hospital while I had surgery. It's hard to accept but I received a priesthood blessing and have faith that the Lord will give me strength to handle this trial. Someday I will have more children, someday! This is all fresh and I think I'm still in a little denial, but I decided part of the process is sharing it, something I don't do often. The X-ray tech told me when she had an ectopic pregnancy she told her kids the baby got lost on it's way here. My baby got lost on it's way.


  1. Oh Stacey I'm so sorry. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. i got so excited when i saw that picture and then a few seconds later was incredibly heartbroken for you guys. thank goodness you have a great husband and an adorable son to help get you through this.

  3. :( that valentine is so cute. Powerful experience my friend. I love you.

  4. Oh, Stacey, I'm so sorry! When I had my miscarriage last year, I was amazed how many people came out of the woodwork and told me of their similar experiences. It is a sad, and sadly common experience among women - our babies losing their way. And then all that wondering. You guys are in our prayers! ((Hugs))

  5. I've been in this club too and I am SO sorry. The only other thing I know is that Heavenly Father knows you guys and has great things in mind, I am sure. Meanwhile, hang in and know you've got the love & support of family near & far.

  6. I'm sorry to hear you are going through this. We faced a similar situation this past Christmas. Know that God is with you!

  7. It IS a hard thing to go through, and it's also hard to share something so personal. We had a miscarraige the same year that our little guy Dexter died, and just like you said, it is priesthood blessings and faith in the Lord's plan, both the overarching plan and the knowledge that he has an individual plan for each of us, that carried us through similar trials. I learned that acceptance is a gift made possible through Christ's Atonement. We don't have to like it or want it to be OK with it, nor do we have to talk ourselves into it. He gives acceptance and submission as a gift. With the kind of faith you're expressing while it's still so fresh, you are in good hands! Love you guys!

  8. Oh I am so sorry Stacey, I know no one knows exactly what you are going through but I lost two babies before we had Charlie. It helped my heart heal to think that that is all those two spirits needed so they could return to heaven right away. I have a great book about lossing babies written by a memeber of the church. You are more then welcome if you want it.You will be in my prayers, thank goodness for the preisthood. What would we do without it!

  9. I am so sorry. I haven't been through what you have but I know a lot about waiting for children to come. I know that The Lord has a plan for each of us and it doesn't always fit into the plans that we make. I know it is hard but they are worth the wait. I hope you guys feel of the Lord's love and the love of your family. We may not know each other very well but I am here for you if you ever need to talk.
