We celebrated gavin's 2nd birthday early so that Ryan could be there. I have been excited for gav's birthday because I felt like he'd enjoy the party more (especially the cake and ice cream). Remember last year? He wouldn't even let us get the cake to his mouth. He loves anything sweet now so I just said the words "cake and ice cream" and he was in his seat! I didn't take that many photos, actually I myself took none. Thanks to Ryan and his sister we gave some. I was way too busy with the food. I didn't do anything crazy like last years extravaganza. It was a tad much. In fact as of Monday I didn't have a clue what we were doing let alone decorating bur finally caught the bug to do something and the wheels started turning. By Monday night I was cutting and sticking and had the event planned and decor finished. I went simple and I think it was just the right amount.

playing with the wheels and bucket on his new tricycle
We had our local family over for dinner and cake and ice cream. I'm so glad that we have our family near by. Gavin is developing relationships with his grandparents and his Aunt Michelle and Uncle Paul and I love that he gets excited and loves spending time with them. I made a new favorite of mine Chicken and Rosemary Spaghetti. With that we had roasted asparagus, mixed green salad with feta, pecans, grapes, and oranges, and a yummy garlic artisan bread my sister found at WinCo. I got his cake from UpperCrust Bakery again. It was the black and white cake and it was delish!

Playing with his new Thomas the Train from Aunt Michelle and Uncle Paul.

Our happy little family!

Gavin loved his cake once the candles were lit and he loved being sung to. I love this picture because I feel like it captures in an image my love for this little dude. He is my life and my best little bud. He is the reason for my happiness and joy. He is teaching me so much about love, patience, laughter, and enjoying the simple things in life. All the time and energy I give to him, I receive more than that back in love and happiness as his mother! What a sweet gift you are little man!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAVIN!!! you won't believe how fun the holidays will be this year for him!!! they start to remember things. i couldn't believe how brennan remembered that it was his birthday the day he woke up on his birthday b/c we had been telling him all week that his birthday was the next day. those thomas the trains are awesome. we love them in our house!