Monday, October 12, 2009

grey's anatomy

Our party consisted of yummy homemade McPizza (pepperoni and pineapple--our specialty) with some McSnacks and McDrinks, of course. I do have to say my McDreamy did look pretty McSteamy in his surgeon outfit!
* Despite the Loser pose, Ryan was a great sport and is definitely a Grey's fan. I was dressed up too, but I looked more like a big white blob in a oversized dr.'s coat and plus I was taking the pictures.

a piece of my heart

This little man has a piece of my heart. In fact, he has a BIG piece. The delightful hubby and I just celebrated our third wedding anniversary and since he does whatever he can to please me, we went to San Francisco, CA to see the musical Wicked. The weekend was perfect, except that I had a tough time forgetting about our sweet little babe. I wanted so badly for him to be there with us taking in the refreshing ocean air, yet I knew it would be just as refreshing to enjoy some alone time with my dear husband. I had to be reminded constantly over the first few hours away that I would in fact see my dear child just over 24 hours later. Even after that reminder I still insisted on worrying that what if, just what if we died in a car accident or an earthquake and we never get to see him again. My husband then reminded me that we are an
eternal family, but still, I want the joy and pleasure of raising this dear sweet child we have been blessed with. I just didn't want to stop thinking about him! I finally decided that it would be best for me (and Gav) if I relaxed and rejuvenated myself so that I could be the best mommy I wanted to be and that he deserved.

San Francisco was beeeeeeeeeeautiful!! Yes it was windy but it only made it chilly after dark and so we decided we'd skip hiking around the city like we usually end up doing instead of taking taxis or bart. We got to experience a taste of Love Fest and that's all we wanted--we were celebrating our own love and in our own special way!! I highly recommend Wicked. It was such a great performance and I loved the story. Ryan was really impressed by the performance, the set, and all the detail that went into it. The music was great too! And of course we didn't leave the city without a clam chowder bread bowl and fish and chips (yes I ordered both and for lunch). On that note, I'm beginning to understand why I'm not losing any more of that post-prego weight but alas I still eat what I want. To my credit, I have gotten rid of pretty much all sweets in our house, but sadly most of that came from just eating them. I plan to not replace them!!! Just in time for Halloween and the holidays--nice!

I was so excited to go and pick up Gavin the following day. I was kind of saddened when I went to lock eyes with him and revel in that moment of being reunited and he took one look and then looked back up at my sister Michelle who graciously watched him. Oh that's ok, he just doesn't know better, right? So, back in the car and back to squeals, slobber, and the greatest joy of my life!

I just can't get enough--I think he has a little more than a piece of my heart--I'd say a chunk!

P.S. We are excited that we have finally had a happy, argument-free trip to San Francisco. Click here to see why!