Thursday, May 7, 2009

"White Gold Is..."

So Ry Bread is obsessed with the White Gold commercials. He is super obsessed--obsessed to the point I had to ask him to chill he was repeating and laughing at them so much. He's that way with the Mac v. PC commercials. So, when I told him I wasn't going to use first names on our blog anymore and that I had  a nickname for him, this one was only appropriate. The first nickname I was referring to was actually Ry Bread which was actually started by his PT Aide. His suggestions were, just to name a few, "McKenzie" (the PT post-grad program he's currently working on), "Robin" (the first name of the founder of McKenzie Method- Robin McKenzie), "Sexy", and others which I won't disclose. He loved it when I announced it would be "White Gold". So there it is all your glory! Do you muscles have an agent? If not, I'm interested! White Gold is White Gold.

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