I started the year off giving notice as a paralegal (well actually my duties only reached as far as legal assistant, but I am a paralegal) at a family law firm to take a job at my dentist's office as a Concierge. He's a high end general dentist with an emphasis on restorative and asthetic dentistry. We just built a new building and it looks like a cathedral! Amazing place!
Then mid year Ryan and decided it was time to buy our first house. Looking back, we'd change things, we'd have waited a few months and bought something more modest, but we love our home. Having interior design as a major love of mine I fell in love with this house and love decorating! We have really been blessed to have this home. Plus its saving our bacon on income taxes!
The house is so colorful and I love it! It was a model home so they had already painted the majority of the walls. We loved all the choices. The only one I might do different is one of the bedrooms is green and I love the green but I'd like something more edgey. Oh and I'm eventually going to take done the pine cone wallpaper strip in the guest bathroom. It was a log cabin theme home. Yuck!
I love the color of our master bedroom walls! Its like a burnt red! I love the contrast with the black! I'm holding back on more decorating for now to save $$$.fall.2007. This pic is on a street care in San Francisco. The gals behind me are co-workers. The blond is my partner in crime, Shelly, we manage the front desk together and the gal in the sunglasses is Sandy, she's been in dentistry a long time! Work has kept me busy! I took over marketing for Kremer Dental Care and am now both the Concierge and the Marketing Director. Its stressful, but rewarding. I love using my creative genius. I just celebrated my one year anniversary at work. Crazy its already been a year. I'm pretty much a dental goddess at this point! riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.