So I'm not a big fan of turkey on Thanksgiving. Gasp! Well, I'm not. Its usually too dry. Plus their huge and brown--remind you of anything else? On that same note have you seen them in real life? They're even more ugly. Now to quit "dogging" them, I'll throw a few positive their way. I love you when you're sliced thin and processed so I can make grilled cheese and turkey sandwiches and most recently I love the fun craft treat ideas that make you look so lovable and delicious! Here is the most recent idea:
Turkey Cookie Treats Recipe:
Prep Time: 1 hr. 15 mins.
Sugar Cookie Dough (this recipe is from Betty Crocker so it uses prepackaged mix)
1 container (12 oz) Whipped chocolate frosting
Candy Corn (I used 6 per cookie)
1 tube (4.25 oz) yellow decorating icing
Miniature candy-coated semisweet chocolate baking bits
1 tube (.68 oz) black decorating gel
1. Make cookie dough and Bake cookies.
2. Frost and decorate 1 cookie at a time. After spreading frosting on cookie, add candy corn for feathers. Pipe yellow icing for beak and feet. Add baking bits for eyes; pipe black gel for center of each eye.
Copyright: 2008 General Mills
**I didn't have time to make sugar cookie dough and when I planned this didn't want to use the store bought stuff, so I substituted sugar cookies for rice krispies treats. I made them as usual and then put them into cupcake tins and decorated them from there. It was a lot easier (especially with my mother-in-law's help) and less time!! Here's the finished product...
** Let me just note, we did this in like 15 minutes and were very hurried for the ward talent show. Also, I couldn't find the mini chocolate bites in Orland so we used the Red Hots I had on hand. Just think of these little turkeys as scared to death of being eaten (or on drugs) whatever you prefer. Also, the icing was very tough to work with I'd try a different brand or make my own next time. I loved the rice krispie swap alot!
love it! can't wait to do it.