The baby's car seat...never thought I could spend so much time worrying about which one to get. I tell you. It probably hasn't been helped by the wondering macbook that sits on my lap wherever I go in the house. Ryan has given up on my obsession with this computer. I find any reason to be surfing the web or playing with the fun programs. Mostly I've been searching for the perfect bedding, or cutest baby gadgets out there. I am in love with Etsy.com and can't stay away from ebay. I think I've gotten addicted to receiving packages on our doorstep. Its been almost 2 weeks since my last. Oh, I ended that today when I bought some adorable baby necessities from etsy today! Ok, this isn't even where I meant this post to go.
I've been researching car seats for weeks now. I know what consumer reports says, but my eyes have been locked on the Maxi Cosi Mico and I can't break the contact. I found the one I like for under $150.00. I have to admit that I'd be purchasing it more for the looks than anything. I just like its simple nature. I hate babyish things. It also has great ratings for safety from what I've read. It seems that no matter which one I try to fall in love with it gets some negative publicity. What should I do? I almost pushed the "purchase" button on Amazon, but decided to wait. I just can't commit to anything these days, except my Macbook and peanut M&M's. I would have gotten the Chicco Key Fit but I fell in love with the Baby Jogger City Mini and the car seat doesn't adapt with that stroller. I don't know if that will be a big deal to not be able to use the stroller with the infant car seat so that's another delimma. Help me Car Seat gurus! But I'll probably just be more confused...
So, if I want it to be compatible with my stroller I have these options:
Babytrend Expedition or StrideZ
britax Companion
Graco Infant Safeseat or Graco SnugRide
Maxi Cosi
Peg Perego Primo
Help me and Ryan will be eternally grateful for reducing the number of hours I spend searching and researching the internet!